
NKBA Announces Call for Presentations for Voices from the Industry at KBIS 2015

March 21, 2014
2 min read

The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) has announced the call for presentations for the Voices From The Industry Conference Series to be held during the 2015 Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Las Vegas, Jan 20 – 22.  

"Our 2014 Voices From The Industry presenters were very well received. We collect evaluation feedback from the attendees and found that 87 percent of the 2014 presentations scored higher than a 4.0 out of a 5.0 scale. That’s fantastic news and tells us that we’re continually building a high quality program." said Nancy Barnes, Director of Learning at the NKBA. "For KBIS 2015, we’re looking forward to selecting 100 or more outstanding conference speakers, who will represent all industry segments and every level of professional."

Voices From The Industry is a platform for industry peers to share new ideas and relevant topics on Design & Inspiration, Business Management, Focus on the Customer, and Sales & Marketing. The NKBA is looking for industry-relevant topics to be presented by experts from the industry that will significantly enhance learning opportunities for attendees.                                                                                          

The online submission form is now open on, and all applications are due no later than Wednesday, May 28, 2014, at noon, Eastern Time. Selected applicants will be notified by the beginning of August, 2014, and will be scheduled to speak at the 2015 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, January 20 – 22 in Las Vegas.

To access the online submission form and learn more about the conference policies, selection criteria, content requirements, CEU Credit, and more, log on to and click the Voices From The Industry tab on the right hand sidebar. All questions should be directed to [email protected]. PR


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