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A Look at Quiet Quitting


A Look at Quiet Quitting

“Quiet quitting” is affecting many industries, including remodeling. Here’s what we can do to combat it.

By Mark Richardson October 11, 2022
quiet quitting what is it
Photo courtesy insta_photos | stock.adobe.com
This article first appeared in the September/October 2022 issue of Pro Remodeler.

During the great recession, i was asked to do a talk on “How to get your mojo back.” The request was not about where it had gone (that was obvious), it was helping write a prescription on ways to get it back. As a relatively positive guy, it was not hard to come up with 10 techniques that individuals could weave into their day.

The dynamic today, however, is different. The team has been running at aggressive levels in stormy waters for a long time, and while they show up, they are not all there.

I did a sales mastery session with a group last week and I told the manager that his team felt off. He said yes, they were “flat.”


A friend said that more than 50% of his team had already used their PTO for the year by July.

What does that mean?

A top remodeler has had several people resign unexpectedly. Some leave without another job.


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What is Quiet Quitting?

I read about a dynamic called “quiet quitting” that spoke to me about what I am seeing out there. Quitting is not just leaving the business, it is about quitting the work or changing the work ethic and priorities.

Most columns I write come with suggestions on how to fix things. In this column, I am just recognizing and being empathetic of what you all are experiencing. You are not alone. (And if your employees are really gung-ho, then be thankful, not critical)

I hope in future columns and podcasts I will be able to share more real-life examples and tips on ways to fix this, but for now, let’s acknowledge what we know.


Ways to Combat It

1. Misery loves company. Choose not to participate. This means focusing on the positives in your business and not the negatives. Stop watching the news and staring at your phone feeds.


2. People feed off of people. I think the more people interact, the better. Some can be face-to-face and some virtual, but try to keep interacting. Try to connect at a personal level too. For example, if you are feeling a little down, then a call to a friend might be the best medicine.


3. Know that what you are doing is important. Remodeling is important. You create joy in homeowners’ lives by creating wonderful living spaces where fond memories are built. Every prospect that reaches out to you is an opportunity to help someone, not just make a sale.


4. Keep perspective. Sometimes the reason a client or team member acts in a difficult way might have to do with other stresses in their lives, not you. It may be the same funk that we’re all feeling.


5. Be kind. Before my mother died, I asked her what she thought about heaven. She said, “I am not sure, but it is important to be kind.” We all need to be more kind.

While this isn’t a guarantee to get the mojo back, it’s a start.


written by

Mark Richardson


Mark Richardson, CR, is an author, columnist, and business growth strategist. He authored the best-selling book, How Fit Is Your Business? as well as his latest book, Fit to Grow. He can be reached at mrichardson@mgrichardson.com or 301.275.0208.

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