
Labor Shortage Spurs Colo. to Take Action

Sept. 21, 2017

The labor shortage is a nationwide problem. However, how individual states are handling it varies greatly. 

For instance, in March, the Colorado General Assembly extended the state’s 1041 powers—first passed in 1974 to give the state and local governments more defined authority in making planning decisions that affect state interests. 

Passed as House Bill 17-1041, the amendment is designed to promote non-college career paths for students. The bill—which revises several sections of the original 1041 bill—will require that public high schools inform students about post-secondary career options that don’t require a formal college education, such as jobs as skilled laborers and military personnel. 

Although HB17-1041 mentions military service, its primary goal is to reintroduce skilled trades as a career option for high school students. 

About the Author

James F. McClister

James McClister is managing editor for Professional Remodeler.

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