
Technology: Mosby Building Arts

June 27, 2016
2 min read

Mosby Building Arts

St. Louis

President: Scott Mosby


In 2015, Scott Mosby named Mark McClanahan as president. McClanahan had helped spearhead development of a proprietary customer relationship management tool for Mosby: “Right Touch” was designed to connect Mosby’s 100-plus employees to real-time information, integrate with the accounting department, and act as a multifaceted tool to analyze jobs from sales to completion. “Our IT guy wrote the program with input from many at Mosby,” McClanahan says. “He ended up moving on to the software industry.”

Takeaways for Other Remodelers 

Few companies have the resources to develop a CRM system, but every firm needs tools for tracking profitability, McClanahan says. He advises remodelers to use software, even for basic elements of their business. As the company grows, it can modify the technology. 

He also recommends committing to new technology throughout the company. “No platform will work unless you invest time, treasure, and talent,” he says. “Technology doesn’t work with a top-down approach. It has to involve everyone.” 

Mosby Building Arts has now licensed Right Touch to a St. Louis-based company called Readybuild. The firm employs the developer who built Mosby’s CRM, and Readybuild has modified the software to create a commercially available product for other remodeling companies. Readybuild launched this year. 

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