
NAHB launches consumer site on mortgage deduction debate

NAHB has launched a newly-designed consumer-oriented website,, to provide up-to-date information on the threat to the mortgage interest deduction.
Jan. 3, 2011









NAHB has launched a newly-designed consumer-oriented website,, to provide up-to-date information on the threat to the mortgage interest deduction.

“Americans overwhelmingly oppose any action by Congress to tamper with the mortgage interest deduction, but it could be eliminated or scaled back as Congress and the Administration are looking at tax increases in light of deficit concerns,” said NAHB President Bob Jones, a home builder from Bloomfield Hills, Mich. “The consequences would be devastating for home owners, the housing market and the nation’s economy.”

The site contains fact sheets, frequently asked questions, statistics, and other information to allow consumers to stay informed as debate on the mortgage interest deduction moves forward.

For more, visit:

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