
Info Bank 2001: Remodeling Au Naturel

March 1, 2001

Explore the options for resource—and energy-conserving building and remodeling with "The Natural House: A Complete Guide to Healthy, Energy-Efficient, Environmental Homes" by Daniel D. Chiras. The book offers an overview of the benefits and options presented by rammed earth, straw bale, adobe, cob, cordwood, log and stone homes, as well as tips for energy and resource conservation. Included are tips for solar heating and cooling, generating electricity from sun, wind and water, sustaining water systems environmentally and green building.

Author Dan Chiras has received the Colorado Energy Research Award for his studies on the environmental impact of coal-fired electricity, and is a founder and board member of the Sustainable Futures Society. He currently lives in Evergreen, Colo., in a home he built from recycled materials, including 800 used automobile tires and straw bales.

According to Chiras, "In building a house, we enter into a long-term contract with the environment—one that supplies us with all the resources we need to operate a home. A typical house can be a major drain on the environment. Building a natural house can be a statement of one’s ethics."

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