Scott Sedam, president of TrueNorth Development (, spends most of his time working in the trenches with builders, suppliers and trade contractors. His Lean Builder blog appears weekly at He welcomes your feedback at [email protected].

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Closing the sales fulfillment gap: the missing link in Lean

During Operation Desert Storm in the early 90s, France’s decision to not support the U.S. intervention revived an old joke from the World War II era.
Sept. 24, 2013
Drywall Pile

Even Lean is local

It has been long been said that “homebuilding is a local business” and as much as I’d like to think that Lean always transcends locality, that is not always the case. Last week...
April 17, 2013

The immigration conundrum

  As often happens in my articles and columns in Professional Builder Magazine, I set out to write one article, which quickly morphs into one, two or three … or in the case...
Feb. 5, 2013

Design for failure

When I travel with my wife, or sometimes just run to the grocery, cleaners or hardware store, she frequently has to remind me, “Scott, remember, you are NOT in charge here.” Many...
Jan. 31, 2013

How do you lead a leader? Looking for some answers!

My December column just came out on and you can read it here: or in the Professional Builder magazine...
Dec. 18, 2012

Election 2012: The elephant in the room for home builders

I travel this country meeting with builders virtually every week and between my monthly Professional Builder article, my weekly blog on and our Lean Building Group...
Aug. 21, 2012

The rule of 8, 9, 12 but never 16

Todd Hallett and I are running a LeanPlan Workout session this week in Tennessee with one of my favorite builders. In the years I have known them they have grown from #11 in their...
Aug. 16, 2012

10 steps to mastering field quality – A positive indicator for a recovering industry

The 5th article in my series on Quality Management was just published by Professional Builder Magazine and appears concurrently on It is titled “10 Steps ...
Aug. 7, 2012