Factors to Consider in Choosing a Railing Fabricator
For Ryan Hanson, Partner at Sustainable Nine Design + Build in Minneapolis, the decision to use a prefabricated stainless-steel railing system rather than a locally fabricated railing is a no-brainer.
“In the past, we’ve used a couple of different subcontractors to fabricate them, and they’ve done good work, but in our local market, the Vikings NFL team is building a stadium, and they have basically taken all of the welders for over a year,” he says. “We need something that has a predictable turnaround time. That’s what led us to AGS Stainless, and it’s worked out very well.”
Learn more about the benefits of prefabricated railing systems in this video excerpt from a panel discussion hosted by AGS Stainless at the recent Dwell on Design exhibition and conference in Los Angeles. Click here to watch the video.