Would your business do this ?
$50k which was to be transferred from one business account to another was not actually completed.
A client was given completely different instructions by 3 different representatives from the same office.
A client was confidently informed, ‘not a problem just call us when you are ready and we can make that happen easily’. When the client returned the representative realized in fact that they couldn’t make the change at all.
A time was set for a team to visit a home and complete repair work. However, the client received a call a few days later stating that the original call was incorrect and a new team and time had to be set up. The client was confused, all those phone calls and rearranging their work and schedule to be available at home was wasted and they had to start all over again and it would be an additional 5 days before the work would be completed?
In each of these cases a customer satisfaction is taking a hit. So is future confidence in the businesses. Believe me the clients involved will be telling these stories to friends and family, not to mention those on Twitter and Facebook. Yet in each case the only people oblivious to what is happening and its impact were the representatives and managers of the businesses concerned!