
A Lesson Learned from the Builder of the Year

We can all relate to great leaders, but we may fail to note what makes them so. Harry Truman is quoted as saying, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Such is the case with last year’s Professional Builder Magazine’s Builder of the Year, DSLD Homes and their leader Saun Sullivan who is a prolific reader. His reading titles could be classified as the home building industry’s must read list, and he shares these gems with many (thanks Saun!).
June 16, 2012
2 min read

We can all relate to great leaders, but we may fail to note what makes them so.  Harry Truman is quoted as saying, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”  Such is the case with last year’s Professional Builder Magazine’s Builder of the Year, DSLD Homes and their leader Saun Sullivan who is a prolific reader.  His reading titles could be classified as the home building industry’s must read list, and he shares these gems with many (thanks Saun!).

It takes time to read and learn new ideas, and time is a valuable commodity, but effective leaders make this time to grow their skill set.  While almost all company leaders put lofty company earning goals out there, it is the smart leaders that know “earning” only comes before “learning” in the dictionary!  In home building, learning precedes earning.

In my view, DSLD became Professional Builders Magazine’s Builder of the Year, Builder Partnerships “Highest Distinction in Customer Satisfaction” recipient, and Louisiana’s fastest growing builder by virtue of this “learning before earning” mentality.  DSLD has also learned what works in their marketplace in terms of product, place, price, promotion and customer satisfaction.

Yep, Harry Truman nailed most of it...leaders are readers.  The only part Truman missed was that in our industry, readers are winners, too!  This week’s management meeting question: “Does our company leadership embrace a ‘readers are leaders’ philosophy, and if so, what lessons can they share with their peers and staff?”   

About the Author

Charlie Scott

Charlie Scott has more than 25 years of hands-on homebuilding experience, much of this in senior management positions with an award-winning, nationally recognized Midwest builder.  He credits a "Voice of the Customer" firm as instrumental in his homebuilding company's strategic growth and success.  Today, Charlie is an owner of that "Voice of the Customer" firm – Woodland, O’Brien & Scott – and helps North American home builders grow their own customer-centric cultures, pursue operational excellence, and increase referral sales.  Charlie is an internationally known customer satisfaction expert and has presented keynote addresses in the U.S., United Kingdom and India. Charlie also authored the book, “Construction Knowledge 101” to help builder personnel in all functions understand the nature of homebuilding.  He would love to hear you from you at: [email protected]

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