The Lean Designer: Do it now!
Danger Will Robinson! Danger! The IBS plan review sessions are starting to get booked up.
Professional Builder is hosting House Review Live with six different leading Architects and Designers (including yours truly) from across the country to help you review your existing plans and elevations. So bring your best plans, worst plans, any plans and I am sure we can help you improve them for 2012. Look for us at the Show Village demonstration homes Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. You can book time slots with the Architect of your choice at
If you would like to guarantee yourself a spot for plan review I suggest booking it right now (it takes something like 45 seconds). However, if you don't book it and find yourself desperate for a plan review please stop by the Show Village anyhow, you might luck out and be able to catch someone to do a review on the spot.
If you miss out - no big sweat, you can always improve your plans in 2013. Boom.