
6 Free Webinars to Help Elevate Your Business

July 23, 2020
4 min read

Online webinars have exploded over the past few months due to the pandemic forcing live events digital. From business tips to design ideas, webinars are chock-full of helpful information for remodeling pros to take their business to the next level, but navigating the exhausting list of opportunities can be overwhelming.

To help remodelers find sort through the noise and find relevant content, we rounded up six coming up that are worth a watch:

The Weekly

Every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. CT

Pro Remodeler

“Join the editors of Pro Remodeler, Pro Builder, and Custom Builder as they discuss the current remodeling market, new approaches to selling new homes, and affordable home design with industry leaders. Some segments coming up include evidence-based lighting design, what pros often get wrong about makeup and margin math, and how to incorporate the principles of feng shui into design.”


Spatially Challenged – Living Smart in Small, Medium & Large Spaces

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – 12:00-1:00pm ET

National Kitchen & Bath Association

Paula Kennedy, CMKBD, CLIPP – Owner – Timeless Kitchen Design

“The closet and organization industry is booming right now. How well do you understand the companies who specialize in these spaces? Would you like to offer that service to your clients more often? There are companies in our industry that offer a wealth of products that we can utilize inside the cabinets we specify and all the nooks and crannies in homes that often go untouched by kitchen and bath designers. As a kitchen and bath designer you are uniquely skilled at approaching these challenges. We’ll discuss tips and tricks, delve into product manufacturers, and enjoy plenty of inspiration to get the ideas flowing.”


How to Navigate Multigenerational Projects



“One factor that renovation professionals may encounter on multigenerational housing projects is balancing the needs and wants of multiple decision makers. Compared with a nuclear family home, a multigenerational home is likely to have more adult residents who may be financially vested in the project. Houzz’s Industry Marketing team put together the webinar “Renovating for Multigenerational Living” to explore the issue, which we’ve reshared below. Here are some ideas from the presentation on how to manage input from the whole family.”


Build a better business with new technology


Pro Remodeler

Erika Taylor, Director of Content at Professional Remodeler

“Catch the on-demand recording of a frank and informative webinar that explores technology tools designed to help small builders and remodelers save time and succeed in today’s climate. This Zoom recording features a panel of experts who will discuss how to help your business be more efficient and more profitable with simple and affordable solutions to achieve the next level of success.”


Zero is the Future of Housing….And No Extra Cost if Optimized

Thursday, August 6, 2020, 2:00 p.m. ET

Green Builder

Sam Rashkin

Chief Architect, U.S. DOE Building Technologies Office

“This webinar will show the key building blocks of a zero energy ready home and how to optimize them. The exciting news is that an optimized zero energy ready home can cost the same or less cost as a minimum code home. Consider all the additional profit, customer satisfaction, market differentiation from increasingly obsolete existing homes, and reduced customer service calls a nice bonus."


Effectively Communicate Brand Action 



“In this recorded webinar, Laura Peterson, Public Relations Manager, North America at Ben & Jerry's and Pablo Toledo, Executive Vice President at Camino PR discuss: Best practices for internal and external communications in challenging times; how communicators can get their brand's message across; how the actions you take impact brand reputation; building brand trust and loyalty.”


Some webinars require registration. See the original pages linked for full information. 


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