
How to Open Clamshell Packaging

Dec. 29, 2015

Clear plastic clamshell packaging makes sense for manufacturers: the merchandise is well protected, easy to see on display, and harder to shoplift. But for consumers, it’s a nightmare -- our bloody fingers are all the evidence we need.


David Smith, who does tool reviews for our friends over at ProToolReviews.com, recently survived what he describes as a "15-minute, epic mano-a-plastico battle" with the packaging from four tool batteries. He admits he was in the middle of a move, and so was without his pocket knife or kitchen scissors. But really, I think he speaks for all of us when he says "There's got to be a better way!'


Turns out there is. A really, really simple way using a tool everybody's got in the kitchen. To see it in action, watch the 30-second video. Still don’t believe it! Try it.

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