
Construction: A Simple, Inexpensive Way to Better Airtightness

Nov. 25, 2015

Airtightness is a key characteristic of a well-built home. Yet it can be difficult to achieve during a remodeling project because a lot of different trades have to work on the building and not all of them are up to speed on building science.

In fact, says Energy Vanguard blogger Allison Bailes, "All of them wear blinders. 'Hey, I'm just the plumber. I don't deal with that energy stuff'." But Bailes recently stumbled upon an easy way to get their attention and make them think twice before drilling or sawing into a material that might be part of the air barrier.

It's a simple sign that can easily be posted at key locations on the jobsite to establish no-cut and no-drill zones.  For a link to a sample sign, read the full article at Energy Vanguard.

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