Illinois Celebrates 10 Years of HERS Ratings and Home Improvement Consulting
Homebuilding in Illinois has come a long way since 2004. Back then, the state had no uniform building code at all, and now Illinois enforces one of the most excellent energy codes in the world. Every home built from Chicago to St. Louis is required to be designed for energy efficiency, and tested for airtightness and duct tightness. The Illinois Association of Energy Raters (IAER) played a central part every step of the way, and this year celebrates 10 years of activism and service.
"When the IAER was founded, energy consulting was not big business," says executive director Corbett Lunsford, "so a dedicated group of professionals helped to both create the demand and to serve a new, more savvy group of homeowners and homebuilders." The members of the IAER include HERS Raters, BPI Certified Professionals, and other contractors who use performance testing and whole-home analysis to make homes more comfortable, durable, and energy efficient.
"The IAER has been an excellent source for continuing education, mentorship and information about the latest industry standards. Their focus has been on helping my company continue to grow and expand," says longtime member Larry Robbins of L.A. Robbins & Associates. Robbins has been an invaluable resource for builders and HVAC contractors in Chicago's western suburbs as they've struggled to learn the new requirements of the energy code.
"By joining the IAER, I was introduced to impressive industry pioneers and leaders who have been very generous with their knowledge and support. The building industry needs action-oriented experts like these to help close the gaps. Being part of the Association, I've learned from their experience, whether I'm building a business, learning better evaluation techniques, or getting advice about a specific quandary I have during a job," adds building energy professional David Fleuchaus. His company, Energy Reduction Inc., has played a vital part in the success of the Illinois Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program, which offers rebates to homeowners for improving the performance of their homes.
The IAER membership has received longtime support from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) through partnership in basic and advanced trainings, including the Duct & Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier Certification. Over 200 DET Verifiers have been certified to perform energy testing for the 2012 IECC in the Midwest. PR