Decks & Porches

2014 Edition of Pressure-Treated Lumber Guide Now Available

Feb. 20, 2014
2 min read

The Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) has published a new 2014 Edition of the booklet “Pressure-Treated Southern Pine.” This 24-page booklet provides information to assist with the proper specification and use of pressure-treated Southern Pine materials. A copy is now available as a free PDF download from the Publications page of

“This edition presents a fresh look from the user’s perspective,” notes SFPA’s Eric Gee, director of treated markets. “It represents a complete reorganization and revision of the previous edition,” he adds.

Following an introduction to wood preservatives, tables list common preservatives and retentions by product and end use. Specification guidelines are included, along with sections covering fasteners and connectors, design values and proper storage, among other topics. Two pages are devoted to eight primary applications for treated SP, with references to helpful SFPA websites and related publications.

This edition combines AWPA standard preservatives and ICC-ES evaluated preservatives. It also combines and reorganizes information from various AWPA tables and commodity standards. The goal is to provide specifiers and users practical information on common uses.  The full-page Table 2 provides a simplified specification guide for typical end-use applications.

As common uses and preservatives change with time, SFPA will update this PDF and keep the latest information available online. PR

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