Green Design

Residential Solar Energy Company First to Offer Energy-Efficiency Improvements

SolarCity, the largest residential solar power provider in California, is now the first such company to offer home energy efficiency improvements as well, according to a report by Fast Company. Under company’s Home TuneUp program, solar lease customers will get a home efficiency evaluation and a package of energy-related home improvements.
Oct. 18, 2010

SolarCity, the largest residential solar power provider in California, is now the first such company to offer home energy efficiency improvements as well, according to a report by Fast Company. Under company’s Home TuneUp program, solar lease customers will get a home efficiency evaluation and a package of energy-related home improvements. During the program’s two-month roll out period, simple repairs, such as duct leaks, programmable thermostats and energy-efficient lights will be free, and can be installed on the same day as solar installation (SolarCity still will charge for parts). Larger improvements, such as new HVAC systems, also will be a part of the program, but will take place separately from solar installations.

The program is available only in California at this time, but the company plans to expand it to other states soon.

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