
Order a Company Logo Online

Sept. 6, 2000
2 min read

To save money on T-shirts and hats with his company logo, Patrick Franz of Clairmont Ltd. in Hinsdale, Ill., used Lands’ End. He did the initial legwork to prepare the logo. "We took the design off of our company sign and worked with it on Microsoft PowerPoint," Franz says. "We redid it to go on a variety of different color backgrounds and experimented with banding."


Patrick Franz did the initial legwork to prepare his company's logo and then sent it to Lands' End for embroidery.


Next, Franz e-mailed the design to Lands’ End. The company called him back a couple of days later and took a charge card number for a one-time logo setup fee. The fee is $85 for most logos, and larger designs with high stitch counts can cost $125 or more.

Lands’ End sent him the embroidered logo sample, which Franz says he "approved right out of the box." Besides his satisfaction with the merchandise’s quality, the cost and the simplicity of the ordering process also impressed Franz. Ten pima cotton polo shirts with an average-size logo stitch count cost $293 plus shipping. Super T-shirts are $17.30, long-sleeve denim shirts are $41.30, and ball caps are $18.50, application fee included. Orders of $1,000 or more receive a 10% discount, and orders of $5,000 or more receive a 15% discount. "When I mention what I paid at Lands’ End, people comment on how reasonable it is," Franz says. "The best part was that I didn’t have to go anywhere; I did it all from my office."

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