
Focus on Year 2K

March 2, 2000
2 min read

Chairman’s Message
The old saying that life is run at a fast pace never was so true as it is today. Problems, however, remain the same--how to use time wisely, how to juggle the many priorities, how to handle "have to do now" situations, and most of all, how to combine family and life activities within a complicated daily schedule. This is the century of working couples, yet many women, including myself, feel maternal responsibility for family activities. The question for everyone is "how to balance?"

As owners of your own businesses, you’ve made the difficult choice to work in a different environment than the typical 9-5 business person working for a corporation. You do, however, have the advantage of creating your own schedule. How can you be efficient with your time? It’s not the large issues that give us trouble--you know, the family vacation schedule, the Tuesday night poker game--but the day-to-day conflicts that can be so burdensome. Is that basketball game your child will be the point guard in and looking forward to you cheering for him/her more important than the appointment with a promising client who must start the job now? What about the teacher’s conference date that interferes with the appointment with the electrical trade contractor? I have dealt with these conflicts all my working life. In fact, I put together the weekly payroll two days after having a baby!

So how to choose between family needs and business needs? Remember the adage: "Choose the hardest." It’s not a question of what you would like to do, but what gives your life the best focus and reinforces what you know is right for your family and your business. Sometimes that choice is the one you avoid most; like getting your stick-by-stick estimating procedure incorporated into a remodeling-specific computer system, for example.

The NAHB Remodelors Council offers many benefits that help you learn to manage your time, deal with conflicts, and set achievable goals for your business. Just look at some of the programs offered: Remodelor 20 clubs, the CGR program, educational opportunities, Remodel.com, the publications available, and most of all, the opportunity to network with other remodelers in your area and from all over the country. Join us, the NAHB Remodelors Council, as we focus on the new year.

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