Facebook: www.facebook.com/AKHomeRenovations
Pinterest: pinterest.com/akrenovations/
Twitter: @AKRenovations
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/AKHomeRenovations
Houzz: http://www.houzz.com/pro/akcompletehomerenovations/ak-complete-home-renovations
Blog: blog.akatlanta.com/
Why it works: The company has eliminated almost all other marketing. Social media efforts have helped to sustain the company, which now relies exclusively on e-marketing and repeats and referrals.
All Pro Builders
Facebook: www.facebook.com/allprobuildersinc
Pinterest: pinterest.com/panial/kitchen-projects/
Twitter: @AllProLisa
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/panial/all-pro-builders-inc
Why it works: All Pro has integrated its efforts across multiple platforms to keep the company active and visible in the marketplace. The company’s messaging is a good mix of informational and promotional items.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/alurefanpage
Pinterest: pinterest.com/alurehome/
Twitter: @alure_home
YouTube: www.youtube.com/AlureHomeImprovement
Blog: blog.alure.com/
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/alure_home/
Why it works: Alure uses social networks to quickly respond to homeowner concerns expressed online, showing transparency and making a good impression on potential clients.
Rhonda Burgin Burgin Construction
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCRemodeler
Pinterest: pinterest.com/burginco/
Twitter: @BurginCo
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/burgincoteam4
Google+: gplus.to/BurginCo
Why it works: The company is one of the most active remodelers out there, engaging clients and potential clients on a daily basis, with more than 4,000 Twitter followers and thousands of other social media fans.
Canyon Construction
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanyonConstruction
Pinterest: pinterest.com/canyongroup/
Twitter: @CanyonNews
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/canyonconstruction
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/canyonconstruction/canyon-construction
Why it works: Canyon has increased engagement on its website, with visitors from social sites spending more time and viewing more pages on the site than other visitors. Plus, 80 percent of those visitors are new to the site.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Case-DesignRemodeling-Inc/60290899985
Pinterest: pinterest.com/casedesigninc/
Twitter: @CaseDesignInc
Blog: www.casedesign.com/blog/
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/hnowrouzi/case-designremodeling-inc
Why it works: Twitter, Pinterest and Houzz are among the top referrers for traffic to the Case website, and the company’s wide reach in social media has greatly improved its SEO.
Abe Degnan Degnan Design Builders
Facebook: www.facebook.com/degnandesignbuilders
Twitter: @degnandesign
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/degnandesign
Why it works: The company is successfully engaging past and potential clients, with more than 10 percent of its posts generating commentary and responses.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DesignBuildPros
Pinterest: pinterest.com/dbpros/
Twitter: @DesignBuildPros, @NeilDesignBuild
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/DesignBuildpros
Google+: gplus.to/NeilDesignBuild
Why it works: While the company cannot point to direct revenue, it has increased brand awareness, helped with networking and driven traffic to the company’s website.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GehmanCustomRemodeling
Pinterest: pinterest.com/GehmanDesign/
Twitter: @GehmanRemodel
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/1remodel
Why it works: Social media has allowed Gehman to build better relationships through quality content.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HendererDesignBuild
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/laineydyer/__public
Why it works: The company has a group of small but loyal past clients (now fans) and they are spreading the word about the company through their networks.
Kelly Anderson Ironwood Custom Builders
Facebook: www.facebook.com/IronwoodCustomBuilders
Pinterest: pinterest.com/saltlakebuilder/
Twitter: @IronwoodCustomB
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/IronwoodCustomBldrs
Google+: plus.google.com/111203585387-424614363/posts
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/ironwoodcustombuilders/ironwood-custom-builders-inc
Why it works: Increases brand awareness and name recognition and has been the lead source for more than $100,000 in business over the last 18 months.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JacksonDesign
Pinterest: pinterest.com/jdrsandiego/
Twitter: @jacksondesign
YouTube: www.youtube.com/jacksondesignand
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/jacksondesign/jackson-design-remodeling
Blog: www.jacksondesignandremodeling.com/blog/
Why it works: Using sites like Pinterest and Houzz lets Jackson provide clients the “inspiration that turns their remodeling dreams into reality.”
Facebook: www.facebook.com/michaelmennltd
Pinterest: pinterest.com/michaelmennltd/
Twitter: @michaelmenn
Why it works: While Menn cannot put a number on the jobs that have come through social media, the company would have missed out on many opportunities without it. New leads frequently mention the social media efforts, along with more traditional referrals.
Sylvia Small MOSAIC Group [Architects and Remodelers]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MosaicAtlanta
Twitter: @MosaicAtlanta
Why it works: Social marketing allows the firm to get its work out in front of more people than ever before, an important part of the company’s long-term branding strategy.
Scott Mosby Mosby Building ArtsFacebook: www.facebook.com/mosbybuildingarts
Pinterest: pinterest.com/mosbybldgarts
Twitter: @MosbyBldgArts; @scottmosby
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/mosbybuildingarts
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/mosbybuildingarts/mosby-building-arts
Why it works: Mosby doesn’t look at social media as lead generation — it’s about branding so the company is top of mind when the time comes to remodel.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ParrishBuilt
Pinterest: pinterest.com/parrishbuilt
Twitter: @ParrishBuilt
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/ParrishConstruction
Why it works: The company’s “Larry on the Level” video series has gotten more than 5,500 views for its most popular episode. Social media efforts are responsible for a third of the company’s revenue over the last two years.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/patrickafinn
Twitter: @patrickafinn
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/patrickafinn
Blog: www.arlingtonheightsremodeling.com/
Why it works: It allows the small remodeler/custom builder to compete on an even playing field with larger firms and get the word out about its awards and services.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PowerHRG
Pinterest: pinterest.com/powerhrg/
Twitter: @PowerHRG
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/PowerHRG
Why it works: The exterior remodeling company does a masterful job of engaging clients and potential clients through social marketing, with frequent conversations on Twitter and Facebook. Power also dispenses useful information about the industry and products.
Steve Scheipeter S.W. Scheipeter Construction
Facebook: www.facebook.com/scheipeter
Pinterest: pinterest.com/scheipeter
Twitter: @scheipeter
Why it works: Since launching its efforts earlier this year, Scheipeter has seen increased brand exposure, website traffic and search engine rankings.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stebnitzbuilders
Pinterest: pinterest.com/stebnitzbuilder
Twitter: @stebnitzbuilder
YouTube: www.youtube.com/stebnitzbuilders
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/stebnitz/stebnitz-builders
Why it works: Cross-marketing (partnering with business owners in other fields) has worked especially well in social marketing. It’s lead to good word-of-mouth from trusted businesses with new clients.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thompsonremodeling
Pinterest: pinterest.com/lwyl
Twitter: @thompsonremod
YouTube: www.youtube.com/thompsonremodeling
Why it works: It gives the Thompson brand a larger digital footprint with a minimal time input of two scheduled outreaches per day.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/westsideremodeling
Twitter: @westsideremodel
Blog: blog.westsideremodeling.com/
Why it works: Westside has found an outside consultant to handle the day-to-day work of social marketing, freeing the company’s owners up to focus on the big picture. Combined with other e-marketing efforts, the social media efforts have helped improve the branding of the company for the modern era.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/William-Shaw-Associates
Why it works: It’s been particularly effecitve in reaching out to Generation Y clients and keeping the brand in front of people.
Jake Zahnow WindowPRO
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WindowPRO
Why it works: WindowPRO has used its quarterly sweepstakes to gain attention in a crowded social media marketplace, then holds potential clients’ interest with useful information for those looking to replace windows or upgrade their exteriors.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WrightWorks
Pinterest: pinterest.com/chrwright/
Twitter: @ChrWright
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/WrightWorksLLC/
Why it works: A good mix of informational and promotional material, plus frequent engagement and retweets gives Wright a high profile and improves SEO. PR