Newsletters - such as these created by Biz-comm for Design Construction Concepts of Northbrook, Ill., and Commonwealth Home Remodelers of Vienna, Va. - are valuable direct-mail marketing tools but just a small component of brand building. A corporate identity represents the brand visually through logo design, consistent use of the logo, and marketing materials that convey the same message.
Brand is to a company what a reputation is to a person, according to marketer Stephen Wilson of Biz-comm Marketing Communications. "Your brand is the personification of your organization, services and experiences," he adds. Based in Reston, Va., Wilson works with remodelers throughout the country. His tips for brand building include:
Build relationships. Take a good hard look at company culture, the level of service delivered by employees throughout the company and the customer experience.
Build equity in the brand. This includes exceeding customer expecations, building awareness, creating differention, evoking emotions and creating a sensory experience.
Schedule a "monthly marketing minute" in which you ask yourself:
- How many new leads in the past month?
- How many sales calls?
- How many closes?
- How many pending contractings? Signed?
- How much money is in the funnel?
- How many jobs end in 30 days? 60? 90? 120?
- Where is the gap?
- What about tomorrow?
To submit your great idea, send a description (and photo if possible) to Kim Sweet at [email protected].
If we publish your idea, Klein Tools will send you a 10-in-1 screwdriver/nut driver. Each month, Professional Remodeler editors will select one idea as The Light Bulb winner. The creator of that idea will receive a Klein Tools tool bag; a 25-foot, double-sided, power-return tape measure; a wire stripper/cutter; side-cutting pliers; and a 10-in-1 screwdriver/nut driver.