Remodeler: Magee Construction Co. Cedar Falls, IowaMagee Construction Co. paid careful attention to matching the detail work above the garage with that of the second floor so the addition blends seamlessly with the original home. After photos by Cathy Michaels' Business SolutionsMatching New and Old One of the biggest challenges in expanding a historic home is making sure the new addition blends. Magee Construction Co.'s success in pulling that off is what made the Best of the Best judges recognize it with a Platinum award.
“We have done quite a bit of historic work in the past, and it's always nice when we finish a project and you can't tell what we did,” says project manager Deb Waterman.
Magee had worked with the homeowner on several smaller maintenance projects over the years on the 1896 home, so it was natural for her to turn to the company when she was ready to add on a garage and laundry room.
The garage was designed to be much taller than necessary so it wouldn't be dwarfed by the home. The round gutters and downspouts were custom-ordered to match the original home, and the garage doors, although new, were chosen for their vintage look.
Magee matched the windows of the original home by reusing two windows that had to be removed to connect the addition. The remodelers carefully removed the 100-plus-year-old windows, repaired them to ensure longevity and reinstalled them in the new garage.
The Magee team paid special attention to matching the detail work above the garage window to that on the original home. The carpenters accomplished this by carefully tracing and redrawing the pattern, then custom cutting and painting the wood to match.