
Rebuilding History

Oct. 1, 2000

Construction Remodelers who use modern construction practices for historic restoration projects can do more harm than good. The Arkansas Institute for Historic Building Trades at Phillips Community College, University of Arkansas in Helena offers proper training starting this fall. Simon Herbert, the Institute’s Director, stresses that the program is for all building professionals, regardless of skill level, experience or goals.

There are three levels of accomplishment: Certification of Completion for Experienced Tradespeople, Certification of Completion for Inexperienced Students, and a Two-Year Associate of Arts Degree for Degree Track Students who want to become jobsite supervisors.

Enrollment is limited and terms begin in August and January. For more information call either Phillips Community College, University of Arkansas at (800) 865-6474 and ask for Registration, or the Arkansas Historic Preservation program (501) 324-9880.

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