
One-Minute Interview

May 1, 2000

Paul Sullivan, CGR


Paul Sullivan, CGR, president of the Sullivan Co. Inc. in Newton, Mass., has taken advantage of May as National Remodeling Month by showering his clients with information in April.

Q. How do you use National Remodeling Month to your company’s advantage?
Normally, I include that fact in a newsletter that my company sends out periodically. This year, we might not. We’re swamped with work, so we’re not actively trying to get our clients to do anything more. If we run a newspaper ad, we’ll tagline it too.

Q. When did you start using National Remodeling Month for promotion?
Two years ago, when I was chair of public affairs for the Remodelors Council. And I’ll definitely use it again in the future. To really make it useful, local associations have to push it and get information out to remodelers.

Q. What’s one piece of advice you’d share with other remodelers?
When dealing with clients, put yourself in their shoes.

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