
On Site

June 1, 2003

A strawberry-and-champagne reception preceded NARI's 2003 Evening of Excellence in Orlando, Fla., during NARI's spring boards and the Kitchen/Bath Industry Show. Chris Miles, president of the Greater Fort Worth (Texas) chapter, joins national chairman of the board Julius Lowenberg and Julius' wife, Irene, in a toast. Photo: Jim Spelios

Landmark Construction & Remodeling and volunteer tradesmen pause while working at Santa's Hide-Away-Hollow, an 80-acre "North Pole" near Cleveland. Hide-Away-Hollow, which offers terminally ill children and their families a chance to celebrate Christmas at any time of the year, is relocating from a small residential area and should reopen full time in a couple of years.

Landmark Construction & Remodeling crew -- outside the company's offices in Chagrin Falls, Ohio -- prepare for a Vendor Appreciation Day & Open House. Tradesmen, suppliers, architects, bankers and Realtors were invited to learn more about the company. Twenty handpicked vendors received appreciation plaques.

Milking it for all it's worth, Dan Bawden (right), president of Legal Eagle Contractors in Houston, and his herd, (from left) Jeff, Katie and Konne, take to the ski slopes in costume for the 12th year in a row.

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