Mind Tools may have the answer to your business problem. Stressed out? Not managing your time effectively? Trying to develop a marketing plan? Find the tools conquer obstacles standing in the way of achieving an excellent life at www.mindtools.com. And if the site’s skills, techniques and templates don’t fit the bill, use the handy search function that will locate an appropriate book on Amazon.com.
If you’re looking for a way to simplify running your business, Onvia.com may be the answer. At www.onvia.com, you can purchase office supplies, get advice on business topics, and read the latest news impacting small business. Free membership offers a two-year paid subscription to Entrepreneur magazine when you sign up.
Delta Faucet’s expanded website, www.deltafaucet.com, features a virtual remodeling center and gives professional remodelers access to information on commercial products, maintenance and code compliance as it varies by state, and installation instructions.
Vetter’s new website, www.vetter.com, features the standards of a launch—products, literature, distributor contacts—but the site also has unique offerings. Pass along the site’s handy condensation facts and care and maintenance tips to your clients.
Peachtree Doors and Windows releases a new catalog that represents all its entry doors, patio doors and windows. Visit the company’s website, www.peach99.com, fill out an online