
Breaking New Ground

Jan. 1, 2003
2 min read

Daring to go where few - if any - remodelers have gone before, the individuals and companies on these pages have raised the bar for the remodeling industry and dragged the rest of us, occasionally kicking and screaming, with them. For their courage, vision and dedication, we owe them a round of applause. Each of them hit a particular high note in 2002, and for that reason the editors of Professional Remodeler honor these four recipients with our first Achievement Awards:


Bill Asdal, whose drive to educate the industry has resulted in research and demonstration projects across the country. His new book on systems and forms exemplifies his analytic, comprehensive approach to remodeling.
Dan Bawden, who saw yet another study showing that homeowners don’t trust contractors and decided to turn a negative into a positive, spearheading the development of the NAHB’s Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist program.
Iris Harrell, who came up with a succession plan and exit strategy that will benefit every one of Harrell Remodeling’s 50-plus employees. The year-old employee stock ownership plan has only increased the already-thriving ownership culture.
Shirey Contracting, which has been doing and teaching green remodeling since before it was trendy. The company achieved the Seattle area’s first three-star Built Green remodel.

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